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Ustaz Ruknuddin Zainor
Ustaz Ruknuddin Zainor is the founder of Khidmaat Al-Arkaan, Ruqyah.SG and KRSG.
He is a Tier-1 Asatizah under the ARS (Asatizah Recognition Scheme), graduated (Insaniah University College, Malaysia) with a Bachelor of Syariah (Honours).
He has more than ten years' experience as a Mosque Religious Officer in local mosques, namely Assyafaah Mosque, Al-Mukminin Mosque and Al-Firdaus Mosque.
In addition, he has served as a part-time lecturer from 2011 to 2016 in private religious centres, namely Andalus Education Centre, Darul Arqam Association and Zuhri Institution. He has also conducted talks and classes with various organisation namely Safinah Institute and local mosques.
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