Islamic Funeral Rites Package - $1,850
Where the deceased person is a citizen or PR of Singapore
Services include:
Jenazah Van
Retrieval of jenazah from the hospital
Jurumandi (male / female)
Bathing equipment & shrouding
NEA registration for grave plot
Graveyard carpet grass, temporary wooden headstone & grave ceramic nameplate
Transport to & fro for family members, relatives & friends
Drinking water
Other Services:
Doctor’s services to verify death at home - $400
Bathing, shroud of jenazah at NEA facilities/mosque - $100
Handling of foetus (inclusive of NEA registration for grave plot) - $590
Handling of infant - between $900 to $1,100
Handling of body parts - $450
Handling of infectious diseases related issues - $300
Handling of jenazah during eve or on Aidilfitri/Aidiladha day - $300
Food for 50 pax (subjected to availability) - $400
Import & Export of jenazah - Prices varies